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How to Prepare For Your Appointment

–Make sure your shaving, waxing, or other hair removal is done before your appointment
–Come with clean, bare skin
–No make up, lotions, perfumes, or deodorant during your spray tan application
–Bring dark, loose-fitting clothing to change into after your tan
-It is best to exoliate your skin before your spray. Showering, shaving and/or waxing are excellent ways to exfoliate.

Post Care

-Your glow can last up to 7-14 days with the proper care
-During the first shower, the bronzer will come off and you will be left with your actual tan. Just pat dry after this shower instead of rubbing
-No shaving or other hair removal or scrubbing during the first 8 – 10 hours
-It is best to avoid activities that cause extremely heavy sweating during the first several hours to allow the solution to fully absorb
-Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!  One of the best things you can do to lengthen the life of your tan is keep your skin hydrated
-Use products that are alcohol-free on the skin and avoid exfoliating products until you begin to see your color fade toward the end of your tan
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